How much does a MD doctor get paid?
Here is a breakdown of average annual incomes for some common MD specialties:
1. Orthopedic surgery: $511,000
2. Cardiology: $458,000
3. Dermatology: $453,000
4. Gastroenterology: $439,000
5. Urology: $429,000
6. Plastic surgery: $424,000
7. Ophthalmology: $418,000
8. Anesthesiology: $418,000
9. Otolaryngology (Ear, Nose & Throat): $409,000
10. Radiation oncology: $407,000
It's important to note that these are just averages, and individual physician incomes can vary significantly within each specialty. For example, some high-earning MDs can make over $1 million per year, while some may earn less than $200,000.
Additionally, the cost of living in different areas can also affect physician income. For instance, MDs in high-cost cities like San Francisco or New York may earn more than their counterparts in smaller, more affordable cities.
It is also worth mentioning that the income figures mentioned here do not include other potential sources of income for physicians, such as bonuses, profit-sharing, or income from private practice or consulting work.