How much does a first year doctor make?
Here are some factors that can affect a first-year doctor's salary:
* Location: Salaries for first-year doctors tend to be highest in the Northeastern and Western United States, and lowest in the South and Midwest. For example, the average starting salary for first-year doctors in New York City is $79,000, while the average starting salary in Mississippi is $52,000.
* Specialty: Some specialties pay more than others. For example, the average starting salary for first-year doctors in dermatology is $71,000, while the average starting salary for first-year doctors in pediatrics is $55,000.
* Work setting: First-year doctors who work in hospitals or clinics tend to earn more than those who work in private practice.
* Other factors: Some other factors that can affect a first-year doctor's salary include years of experience, board certification, and the prestige of the medical school they attended.
Keep in mind that these are just average salaries. Some first-year doctors may earn more or less than the average, depending on their individual circumstances.
In addition to their salary, first-year doctors may also receive benefits such as health insurance, dental insurance, and paid time off.
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