What does medical code procedure claim 99215 mean?
99215 is a medical code used to describe an office or other outpatient visit for the evaluation and management of an established patient, that typically requires a medically appropriate history and/or examination, and decision-making of moderate complexity. This usually involves problems that have been stable from prior visits.
Here are some examples of when 99215 might be used:
* A patient comes in for a follow-up visit after being treated for a cold. The doctor checks the patient's progress and makes sure that the cold is gone.
* A patient comes in for a routine physical. The doctor checks the patient's blood pressure, weight, and other vital signs. The doctor also asks the patient about any new symptoms or concerns.
* A patient comes in for a consultation about a new medication. The doctor discusses the medication with the patient and answers any questions. The doctor also decides whether or not the medication is right for the patient.
99215 is a moderate-level code, which means that it is reimbursed at a higher rate than lower-level codes (such as 99213) but at a lower rate than higher-level codes (such as 99217). The specific reimbursement amount for 99215 varies depending on the insurance company and the patient's copay.