How do you code a strep test for billing?

The coding for a strep test depends on the specific test performed and the type of provider billing for the service. Here are the general steps to code a strep test:

1. Identify the type of strep test: There are different types of strep tests, such as rapid antigen detection tests (RADTs), culture tests, and molecular tests. Each test has its own specific code.

2. Determine the place of service: The place of service code indicates where the strep test is performed. It can be an office, hospital, clinic, or other location.

3. Select the appropriate CPT code: The Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) code is a five-digit code used to report medical procedures and services. The specific CPT code for a strep test depends on the type of test performed.

4. Add modifiers, if applicable: Modifiers are used to provide additional information about the procedure or service. For example, modifier 59 may be used to indicate a distinct procedure or service.

5. Check insurance coverage: Verify the patient's insurance coverage and any specific coding requirements or limitations for strep tests.

Here are some specific CPT codes related to strep tests:

- 87880: Rapid strep test

- 87071: Strep culture

- 87651: Strep molecular test

For accurate coding, it is essential to refer to the most recent CPT codebook and any relevant payer-specific guidelines or requirements.

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