What does medical code 999.92 mean?

The International Classification of Diseases, 10th Revision, Clinical Modification (ICD-10-CM) code 999.92 stands for "External cause of morbidity of multiple cause of morbidity." This code is used to indicate that there are multiple external causes of morbidity, or contributing factors, to a patient's condition.

For example, the code 999.92 might be used if a patient is admitted to the hospital with a broken leg after being involved in a car accident. In this case, the primary cause of the broken leg is the car accident, but there are also secondary contributing factors, such as the patient's age, gender, and overall health status.

The code 999.92 is typically used when there is more than one external cause of a patient's condition. When only one external cause is present, the appropriate specific code from the External Causes of Morbidity and Mortality (E codes) chapter of the ICD-10-CM should be used instead.

There are a number of different subcategories of code 999.92, each of which further specifies the cause of the morbidity. These subcategories include:

• E849 Unspecified fall

• E887 Unspecified slipping, tripping, and stumbling

• E888 Occupational accident, unspecified

• E928.6 Unspecified sports-related injury

• E970.8 Unspecified assault

• E975.8 Unspecified self-harm

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