How to Report an NPI Number
A National Provider Identifier (NPI) number is an identification number needed by health care professionals, dentists and social workers in order to bill insurance companies for services provided. Each provider is issued a unique number by the National Plan & Provider Enumeration System and an NPI number is required by the federal government for all providers who are reimbursed by medical insurance companies for their services.NPI numbers need to be reported to individual insurance carriers; this can be done online, by phone or by fax.
Locate your provider NPI number using a free online NPI number database, such as the National Provider Indentifier Database, at Use the provider's first and last name, state and office address to locate the NPI number.
Visit the insurance carrier's website using your existing login information or create an account. Enter the NPI number when prompted.
Provide the NPI number when calling the insurance carrier with the status of claims to expedite claims and receive reimbursement.
Fax the NPI number with each faxed claim form for reimbursement.