How to Learn ICD-9 Coding
Health Information Management (HIM) is a field with tremendous growth potential, due in part to the push to digitize health care records. Health records are important for communication between health care professionals. Proper health records can prevent medical errors. One major component of the HIM industry is ICD-9 coding. Numerous options are available to those interested in learning ICD-9 coding. Some schools offer diploma or degree programs, while some allow students to take single courses in ICD-9 coding.Instructions
Returning to School
Evaluate whether returning to school is an option. Time and finances are key things to consider. Also determine if you prefer going to college or community college, as both offer HIM programs.
Research colleges and community colleges to determine which ones offer HIM programs, which ones best suit your needs and which you qualify for.
Contact the institute(s) you are interested in attending to determine the steps needed to apply.
Online Schools
Look into online schooling to determine if it is an option for you. While these schools are more flexible regarding scheduling, there is still the financial cost to evaluate.
Research individual online programs to determine the ones that might work best for you.
Follow the enrollment steps required by the institution.
Search libraries, both public and college, as well as bookstores for ICD-9 coding books.
Purchase a textbook from a college or community college that offers HIM programs.
Check online for ICD-9 coding books.