Why Does Insurance Deny V70.5?
A V70.5 code is designated as "health examination of defined subpopulations." This code is given to physical examinations performed as pre-employment screening, for military personnel and truck drivers, among others. Only routine components of a physical exam are covered, with the exception being screenings tailored to a particular profession. The routine components include heart rate, blood pressure, vision, hearing and reflex checks. Urinalysis for drug screening may be a part of the exam as well.
Partial Denial
Certain costs designated as V70.5 after a visit may be denied if they are deemed outside the scope of a health exam for a particular group. For example, a biopsy added to a trucker's physical exam will be denied as a V70.5 expense. The insurance company will pay all other procedures performed as usual.
Complete Claim Denial
Sometimes, the inclusion of additional procedures can cause the entire claim to be denied by the insurance carrier. One reason is that by including certain procedures, the visit is transformed from a physical examination to something different. Adding a pap smear, for example, will transform the exam into a gynecological examination. Another reason is for failing to properly code the procedures during a visit.