Where can I find out more about cord blood banking?
* Cord Blood Association: The Cord Blood Association is a non-profit organization that provides information and support to families considering cord blood banking. Their website has a wealth of resources, including articles, videos, and FAQs.
* American Association of Blood Banks (AABB): The AABB is a professional organization that represents blood centers and other organizations involved in blood banking. Their website has information about cord blood banking, including standards for cord blood collection and storage.
* National Marrow Donor Program (NMDP): The NMDP is a non-profit organization that maintains a registry of potential bone marrow and stem cell donors. Their website has information about cord blood banking, including how to find a cord blood bank and how to donate cord blood.
* Healthfinder.gov: Healthfinder.gov is a government website that provides information on a variety of health topics. Their website has an article about cord blood banking that provides a basic overview of the process and its potential benefits.
* Your doctor or midwife: Your doctor or midwife can also be a good source of information about cord blood banking. They can discuss the pros and cons of cord blood banking and help you decide if it is right for you.