How to Code a Gortex Shunt
Check with your authorizing physician or nurse that indeed you are dealing with a Gore-tex shunt related to renal dialysis. Shunts are also used in neurology and infectious disease cases. Although it's unlikely, if a Gore-tex shunt is used for a different purpose, you will need different coding.
Look through your ICD-9 code book or computerized listing in the section on renal shunts.
Use CPT 36830 Creation of AV fistula, nonautogenous graft Insertion -- Permanent Access.
Check with either the insurance plan you are billing or the Center for Medicare Services if you have any doubts about whether the code is still valid. Codes are revised from time to time and insurance companies keep on top of them.
Keep your list of CPT codes updated by getting new manuals and lists as they are revised, which is usually annually. As coding and technologies change, you may find your new favorite code changes.