How to Get a NPI Number?
According to the Health Insurance Portability & Accountability Act, an individual or organization that conducts billing transactions for medical services provided must obtain a National Provider Identifier (NPI) number. The NPI helps to hold medical billers accountable and also eases the billing transaction process. There is no cost to obtain an NPI number. You can apply one of three ways: online, through the mail or over the telephone.Instructions
Apply Online
Visit the official website for the National Plan & Provider Enumeration System. A link to this site is located in the "Resources."
Click on the link "Apply Online For An NPI."
Complete the online NPI form by entering all of the requested information. For example, you will have to enter your social security number, the name and address of your practice, contact person, provider type, taxonomy code and licensing information. Click "Submit" when done.
Write down the tracking number for your NPI application. The tracking number is auto-generated when the form has been successfully submitted.
Wait to receive your NPI number. This can take up to 15 business days. If you do not receive your NPI number within 15 business days, you can telephone the NPI Enumerator at 800-465-3203.
Apply Via Mail or Telephone
Download and print a copy of Form CMS-10114 from the Medicare website. A link to this form is located in the "Resources."
Complete Form CMS-10114 by entering all of the requested information.
Mail the completed form to the following address:
NPI Enumerator
P.O. Box 6059
Fargo, ND 58108-6059 -
Telephone 800-465-3203 to apply for an NPI over the phone.