How to Bill Insurance for Service Provided
Things You'll Need
- HCFA form
- UB-04 form
- CPT book
- HCPC book
- ICD-9-CM book
Coding Bills for Insurance Companies
A medical provider records services provided in the form of medical records. Some offices also have physicians fill out a billing sheet during the time of care. This billing sheet and the medical records determine the codes and charges submitted to the insurance company.
The medical records and/or billing sheet will be given to the billing department, which ensures that all services rendered are documented for preparing the appropriate insurance form.
Based on what is on the billing sheet or medical records, the coder will then utilize the ICD-9-CM book to assign a diagnosis for the patient's primary treatment. CPT procedure codes are assigned for the treatments provided to the patient by the physician.
After the codes have been correctly assigned, the billing form is completed. Physician offices use a HCFA 1500 form. Fill in the required forms and mail them to the insurance billing address along with a letter of explanation with all pertinent and relevant information concerning the patient.