Why Are Coding and Documentation So Important for Medical Billing?
Proves Medical Necessity of Treatment
Coding and documentation helps to prove the medical necessity of treatment. Supportive documentation explains what services were provided, so the appropriate codes can be assigned to explain why treatment was needed.
Assigns Appropriate Charges
Coding and documentation helps to assign charges to resources used in patient care. The narrative text is matched to a code that has a corresponding charge.
Provides Accurate Reimbursement
Coding is the main source for accurate reimbursement of services. Codes are grouped together to alert the insurance payer of patient treatment provided, so reimbursement can be made.
Facilitates Insurance Reviews
Insurance companies often perform random reviews to ensure that charges are valid. Supportive coding documentation helps insurance companies to understand why specific charges were submitted.
Helps Appeal Denials
In some cases, payers will deny medical claims that they feel are incorrectly coded or where treatment was unnecessary. Health care providers have the opportunity to appeal those reimbursement denials by submitting supportive coding documentation that explains why specific codes were assigned for reimbursement.
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