How to Find Errors on Your Hospital Bill
In order to find errors on your hospital bill, start by making sure all of the charges are appropriate. This can be very obvious sometime. For example, should you have charges for orthopedic services if you were in the hospital for a sinus problem? Call the hospital and ask questions when charges stand out like this.
You should also look for duplicate charges on your hospital bill. Don't get charged twice for the same thing.
Double check your admission and discharge dates. Check to see if you were charged for the day you checked out. Most hospitals charge for the day you check in but not for the day you check out. Ask what the policy is at your hosptal.
See if you can tell if your medicine was switched from an expensive one to a less expensive generic. This isn't all bad it may even be preferred unless you get billed at the higher rate. Even worse you could be billed for both.
Look for honest mistakes. Keystroke mistakes are unintentional but costly.
Don't get charged for a canceled service, medicine or procedure. You could have charges for services, medicines or procedures that you origionally intended but were cancelled later.
Make sure you got every service, procedure, medication and appliance on your bill. Make sure you're not charged for things you never got.