How to Find Out What an ICD9 Code Means
Things You'll Need
- ICD9 code books
Verify whether or not the ICD9 code is being used to indicate a diagnosis or a hospital procedure. The code should appear in the appropriate fields on the medical billing form.
Look inside of the ICD9-CM books, volume one and two, if the code is regarding a diagnosis. Most medical offices have a copy on hand of the ICD9-CM volume 1. If the ICD9 code is being used to indicate a hospital procedure that was done on the patient, refer to ICD9-CM volume 3 of the ICD9 code books.
Visit the second link the Resources section below, a website that allows you to instantly locate an ICD9 code along with its meaning. ICD9 Data is one of the sites that will allow you to access their free yearly ICD9 Code database.
Purchase and download ICD9 codes software onto your computer. This will ensure that you always have access to the correct ICD9 code, which is imperative if you are in the medical billing profession.