How to Reduce a Hospital Bill
Ask for an itemized bill after your hospital stay. Many times, errors in your invoice can be corrected quickly and easily. Make sure you aren't being billed for services, medications or other treatments you didn't receive.
Bring your medications from home. If you're on regular medications, the ones you get in the hospital will have inflated prices.
Negotiate the price. Many times, hospitals will offer a discount if you pay within a certain time or if you don't have insurance. Sometimes these discounts can be as much as 15 to 20 percent.
Apply for any financial aid that the hospital offers. Many hospitals have specific programs that will help low-income patients with their hospital bills.
Feed yourself. Sometimes hospitals charge a large amount for those meals. If you can negotiate with the hospital, and there are no dietary restrictions, you may be able to have someone bring you meals from home.
Refuse any unnecessary tests. Talk to your doctor to see if all the tests he's ordering are necessary.