How to Use ICD-9 Codes
Bill me later. The ICD-9 Code structure is an internationally accepted method of coding medical diagnoses when submitting billings for medical procedures.
Use the correct code. This standard classification system guideline requires that the first code listed on the billing document should apply to the primary diagnosis or condition that was treated during the medical visit.
Break it down. The ICD-9 code structure is broken down into 18 categories, or codes, with a sub-classification contained within each structure to further specify diagnosis.
Understand the code structures. They are 100-139 for infectious diseases, 140-239 for neoplasms, 240-279 for endocrine, metabolic and immunity disorders, 280-289 for blood based diseases, 290-319 for mental disorders, 320-389 for nervous system, 390-459 for circulatory system, 460-519 for respiratory system, 520-579 for digestive system, 580-629 for genitourinary system, 630-677 for pregnancy, 680-709 for skin diseases, 710-739 for musculoskeletal systems, 740-759 for congenital conditions, 760-779 for perinatal conditions, 780-799 for miscellaneous otherwise undefined conditions and 800-999 for injury and poisoning.
Learn the detailed breakdown of classifications. For a complete and detailed breakdown of the ICD-9 codes with all of its sub-classifications, there are online and software resources to assist the medical biller. "Insta-ICD" is one such software program that is sold through general and medical booksellers. Online access is also available to assist medical billers at