The Disposal of Full Sharps Containers
Equip the area where the bio-hazard sharps will be used with leak-proof, puncture-resistant containers. Such containers are required in workplaces that use sharps. such as hospitals, clinics and labs, according to Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) regulations. The containers are red in color and mounted on walls, placed on counters or stand on floors where they are easily accessed. You can obtain OSHA approved sharps containers through your medical equipment supplier.
Place the sharps in a nearby container immediately after use. Fill the container only as directed by the manufacturer. Overfilling can lead to leakage or puncture.
Place uncontaminated glass, slides and other similar sharps in a cardboard box marked glass or sharps. The cardboard container must be designed to collect sharps and contain a with plastic liner. You can get this container from your medical equipment supplier.
Close the lid on the sharps container as tightly as possible. Take the container to the designated sharps pickup spot, if you pay a special service for collection, or place the sharps container in a much larger one that will be collected at a later date. The collection point for a service and the large collection receptacle must be outside of the workspace in a separate room.
Carry the sharps away yourself to a government certified medical waste collection area. Call your local sanitation district for more information. If there is no medical waste collection in your area, you may be able to place the sharps with the regular trash. To do so, seal the lid so that there is no leakage -- and place the sharps in its own container or trash bag. Do not place them with the recycling.