How to Go About Preparing a Appointment Schedule and Preparing a New Doctor's Hours
Talk to your new doctor. Find out about any scheduling conflicts. Your new doctor may have teaching obligations at a medical school and contracts with local schools and organizations that need to be considered when setting hours and an appointment schedule.
Obtain a copy of your new doctor's operating room schedule, if applicable. Appointment hours will need to be worked around the doctor's operating room schedule. You will also need to take into account that the doctor may have emergencies that can interfere with office hours.
Look at your office's current schedule. Check the office hours of other doctors in your practice, how many exam rooms are available and when your office has its slowest days. Compare your current schedule with the events your new doctor has planned on a daily basis.
Log on to your office's computer program and create a schedule template. A template allows your office staff to know when your doctor will see patients, how long appointments should be and how many patients are permitted to be on the schedule in one day.
Review this schedule with your entire office staff. This will make all the doctors, nurses, receptionists, secretaries and medical assistants aware of the changes.