How to Donate Plasma in Lewiston, Maine
Things You'll Need
- Valid driver's license
Go to DCI Biologicals in Lewiston. Located at 239 Main Street, DCI Biologicals is Lewiston's only plasma donation center as of March, 2011. The center's hours are 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday, Wednesday and Friday, 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Tuesday and Thursday, and 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday.
Check in at the main counter, and present the DCI staff member with a valid photo ID. The staff member will supply you with some paperwork to fill out.
Fill out the forms completely, supplying your social security number and answering all questions truthfully.
Follow a DCI staff member to the blood testing area when called. The blood test is part of the pre-screening process to make sure you're eligible for plasma donation.
Return to the waiting area, and wait to be called again. Once called, you will be taken to the plasma donation area. The staff member will insert a needle into your arm to begin taking blood. During the donation process, plasma is extracted from the blood, and blood is returned to your arm.
Alert the attendant if you become light-headed during the donation process. DCI staff are trained to assist you if you get woozy.
Get up slowly after the attendant removes the needle and bandages the wound. If you get dizzy, sit back down, elevate your feet and alert the DCI staff.
Drink plenty of fluids and get something to eat following your plasma donation.