How to Find My VA File Number
The United States Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) administers benefits and services to veterans of the United States Armed Forces. In general, your VA file number is usually the Social Security Number (SSN) of the individual who is receiving benefits from the VA. A letter or two-digit number is added to the VA file number to indicate your relationship to the beneficiary. In certain situations, the VA file number may be a VA claim number.Things You'll Need
- Phone
- Computer
- Internet connection
Find out the social security number of the beneficiary--the person who actually served in the armed forces. This could be a deceased or living relative.
Locate any correspondence you've received from the VA. The VA file number is written at the top of all letters, statements and explanation of benefits.
Call the VA for assistance at 1-800-827-1000 for help with compensation, pension, or vocational rehabilitation forms or 1-888-442-4551 for help on education forms.