How to Donate Plasma Blood in Ft. Myers, Florida
Things You'll Need
- Government-issued identification card
- Social Security card
- Proof of local address
Go to a plasma donation center in Fort Myers, Florida, such as Biotest Pharmaceuticals or Florida Blood Center.
Present your government-issued identification card, your Social Security card and proof of your Fort Myers address to the receptionist. If it is your first visit, you will also need to complete a short physical examination.
Follow the technician back to the blood donation area. You will be asked questions about your physical health and lifestyle. A small sample of blood will be taken from your finger to test your iron and protein levels. If they are acceptable, you will be allowed to proceed with your plasma donation.
Be seated in the plasma donation chair designated by the technician. Your arm will be cleansed and a needle will be inserted. The entire process will take anywhere from 30 to 50 minutes. Your blood will be pumped into a machine that separates the plasma from your cells. The cells will be stored in a reservoir. Once the reservoir is full, the cells will be returned to you through the needle already inserted in your arm. This process will continue until the proper amount of plasma, based on your weight, is obtained. A saline solution will also be given to you through the needle in your arm after your donation to help you replenish some of the fluids you lost during the donation.
Collect your compensation from the check-out desk. This will vary depending on the compensation structure that the donation site has in place. You can donate twice in a seven day period but you must have at least one day in between.