How to Maintain a Sterile Field

The preparation of a sterile field includes the use of sterile draping and sterilized surgical implements to prevent the transfer of infectious microorganisms to a susceptible patient. The patient is draped with sterile cloth, and the surgical area is thoroughly scrubbed with antimicrobial chemicals. The health-care provider scrubs up with antimicrobial soap and applies sterile gloves and gown; the sterile field will include the chest of the provider to the level of the draped patient, and the elbows to the tips of the gloves.

Things You'll Need

  • Sterile gown
  • Sterile gloves
  • Sterile tray and implements
  • Sterile bedding and draping
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      Identify all the sterile areas. Don't allow non-sterile individuals in the sterile area and don't allow them to touch any sterile items. Keep sterile items away from drafts caused by open doors or windows.

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      Protect the sterility of the properly gowned and gloved health-care provider; don't allow them to reach across non-sterile areas or to touch non-sterile items.

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      Consider any item of unknown sterility as contaminated and remove it. Remove any sterile barrier that has been compromised by liquid or damage. Keep contaminated dressings and bedding away from the sterile field.

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      Use proper technique to open and transfer sterile items without contaminating them. This includes opening sterile packaging from the opposite of the "business end" of an implement. Place only items known to be sterile within the sterile field.

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