How to Donate Plasma in Virginia Beach
The only place to donate plasma in Virginia Beach is at the local International Bio Resources office. Donors are paid approximately $30 per visit. Blood is taken from the patient, just like a normal blood test. Technicians then separate plasma from the red blood cells. The yellowish plasma is extracted from the red blood cells of the sample. The red blood cells are then returned to the body, and the plasma is used for various medicinal products that aid burn victims, people with bleeding disorders or as a substitution for vaccinations.Instructions
Make an appointment to visit the International Bio Resources center in Virginia Beach. The first visit should take about two hours due to a screening process and filling out appropriate paperwork. Subsequent visits will take just over an hour.
Eat a healthy meal and drink plenty of water before your visit. Blood extraction can sometimes make people feel dizzy and lightheaded.
Bring your photo ID to the appointment. First time visitors will undergo an extensive questionnaire about his or her medical history. Employees will take a blood sample and screen it for hepatitis B and C, AIDS, syphilis, protein levels and atypical red blood cell antibodies, according to International Bio Resources.