How to Train for the EMR
Identify the existing computer literacy of every member of the office you are training. While people who grew up in the late 1990s and early 2000s tend to have a baseline proficiency in using computers, employees who came of age before this time, including older doctors, may not possess the requisite computer literacy.
Provide remedial computer instruction to individuals until the entire office is literate in basic computer operations.
Teach the system from the bottom up. Begin by teaching everyone the basics of the new system. After this, break the employees into groups to teach them the specific parts of the system they will be using or need to be familiar with.
Select some of the most technologically proficient members of the office, then give them full training on all aspects of the system. This will allow this group to do minor, on-site troubleshooting and help those who may have forgotten parts of the training. This will make sure you only have to return for serious technical support.