How to Prepare a Hemoglobin Specimen for Electrophoresis

Hemoglobin specimens can be obtained from an experimental subject or a patient and then separated into constituent parts using electrophoresis in a laboratory setting. Before hemoglobin can be run through gels using electrophoresis, it must be prepared so that it is properly and correctly separated during the process. This protocol assumes that the correct gels and appropriate electrophoresis techniques will be used, according to the desired analysis.

Things You'll Need

  • Hemoglobin sample (from blood)
  • Eppendorf tubes
  • Laboratory freezer at -20 degrees centrigrade
  • Gel Electrophoresis kit
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  1. Preparation

    • 1

      Transfer the whole blood sample to be used for electrophoresis into an eppendorf tube. Ensure the tube is properly closed.

    • 2

      Freeze this sample in a freezer suitable for the storage of organic materials such as blood, at -20 degrees centrigrade. Store until completely frozen (a few hours or perhaps overnight).

    • 3

      Defrost the sample, without vortexing or mixing, and remove the supernatant; this is the hemolysate that will be used for electrophoresis.

    • 4

      Add the buffers most suited to the gel and electrophoresis conditions to be to run the supernatant sample.

    • 5

      Load and run the gel electrophoresis experiment according to the equipment and gel being used.

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