How to Implement an EMR
Purchase an EMR software program that is best suited for the needs of the health care professionals. Software is available online and through software companies. Make sure the chosen software is compatible with the computer system used at your facility. Older computer systems may need to be updated or replaced to be compatible with EMR software. Buy software that meets the needs of the office---for instance, you might want the ability to have records opened by multiple users simultaneously, ease of access, file restriction settings, or user friendliness. Check with a sales representative to ensure you purchase the correct software.
Install the software you've purchased in the facility's computer system. Follow the installation instructions included with the software. Contact an IT specialist for help with the installation process, if needed. Make any necessary computer system upgrades prior to installing the software to ensure it will work properly. After the software has been added to the computer system, test the program to ensure it is working correctly; work out any bugs or problems prior to the software's use in the facility. Set any necessary restriction settings; assign staff members user IDs and temporary passwords.
Train staff members how to use the EMR program correctly prior to its use in the office. After the software has been installed, hold a meeting to inform employees how to use the program. Give staff their user IDs and temporary passwords. Instructions on how to use the system can also be done one-on-one. Make a short, easy to understand instruction sheet to give to employees, to which they can refer when they have a question. Allow staff to practice using the EMR program to assure proper use. Provide an adequate amount of time for employees to learn the new system prior to using it in the office, to help make the transition from hard copy files to EMRs simple and efficient.
Inform patients that the office will be converting to an EMR system prior to using it in the office. This allows patients to stay informed in regards to their medical record. Advising the patients prior to office use of the program allows them to ask questions and voice concerns. Make and distribute handouts to patients regarding the privacy practices used to keep records confidential. Informing patients about the conversion prior to use also allows staff members to obtain any signatures or additional information that may be necessary to complete the process. Patient signatures may be needed to confirm the patient has been advised of privacy rights, or to grant the office permission to enter their personal medical record into an EMR system.
Notify hospitals, health care facilities and other health care professionals, like therapists and pharmacists, of the facility's conversion from hard-copy medical files to an EMR system. This allows other facilities that also use the EMR system to synchronize into the program and access patient files. User IDs and temporary passwords may need to be provided to all health care professionals who will require access to patient medical records. Train those who are unfamiliar with the program to ensure ease of access, if necessary. Give handouts with instructions, limitations and restrictions involving the EMR system to health care professionals to avoid complications during use.