What Is a Community-Based Residential Treatment Program?
Children in Residential Treatment Programs
Residential treatment programs admit children who are unstable, often exhibiting depression, phobias, delinquent behavior, suicidal behavior and substance abuse.
Programs at Residential Treatment Programs
Residential treatment programs may offer treatment to help with alcohol and other substance abuse, eating disorders, recovery from sexual trauma, sexual disorders, firesetting and mental health issues. They can also offer counseling and programs aimed at helping children who have run away from home, or who are rebellious, hyperactive or isolating.
Benefits of a Residential Treatment Program
Residential treatment programs allow teens to work through issues that can't be overcome alone in a safe and supportive social environment. Counselors and therapists are available, often around the clock, allowing troubled teens to establish relationships with trusted adults. They also provide academic input with focus on helping trouble teens to find a way to succeed.