Career Flexibility With a Ph.D. in Pharmaceutical Sciences
Pharamcists often work at local drugstores. A pharmacist can chose to work in a local drugstore. These pharmacist fill prescriptions for the general public. The pharmacist is responsible for ordering of medications and control of the drugs in the pharmacy. Drugstore pharmacists also consult the patient in the usage of the medication and possible contraindications such as other medications and foods.
Pharmacists often find a home in hospitals. A pharmacist can work in a hospital and is often called a "hospitalist." These pharmacist follow patients, performing rounds with the doctors. This is a form of managed care. The pharmacists recommends medications and insures that the interactions of medications and dosages are all in the best interest of the patient. Hospital pharmacists also train the staff in the latest medications and their usage.
A pharmacist who has a Ph.D. can teach at any institution of higher learning. The pharmacist can teach biology, chemistry and an array of pre-pharmacy courses. Also, a pharmacist can chose to do research and be a fellow at a university.
Pharmacist at the federal level advise in the usage of pharmaceuticals for the armed services. Pharmacists also consult in terms of public health, disease control, immunizations and bio-warfare.