What Is an Adjustable Wheelchair Seat Cushion?
Avoid Pressure Sores
Pressure sores need to be avoided by wheelchair users as they can be painful, and if infected, they keep the user confined to lying on her front until they are healed, which can take many weeks. Variations in the cushion make it possible to coordinate the weight balance, so pressure is spread out.
Adjustable cushions additionally allow the wheelchair user to adjust his posture in the chair based on where his weight is balanced and the shape of the cushion.
Gel Seats
Gel seats reduce the pressure put on the body by the seat by providing a layer of gel that can be manually adjusted by the user to protect their body and ensure that they are sitting up in the chair by positioning more gel towards the rear of the cushion.
Foam Base
Foam seats allow for the gel seats of the cushion to be adjusted by providing a well in the rear of the cushion for the gel pouch, while providing a firmer base for the legs on the front of the cushion, where they exert less pressure.
Air Seats
Available are full-air cushions, in which the level of air is adjusted to determine the rigidity and support the cushion provides.