How to Locate a Certified Nuchal Translucency Ultrasonographer

The nuchal translucency test helps a practitioner assess a baby's risk of having Down syndrome, other chromosomal abnormalities, or congenital heart defects. Although the first-trimester test does not give a definite diagnosis, it can help you decide whether to have further testing, such as an amniocentesis or chorionic villus sampling to get a more definitive result. The nuchal translucency test must be conducted by specially trained doctors and ultrasound sonographers and requires the use of high-resolution ultrasound equipment.


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      Contact your obstetrician, health-care provider, or genetic counselor. Although your practitioner may not have the high-resolution equipment or resources to conduct the test in their facility, they can refer you to a qualified ultrasonographer at a local hospital or major medical center.

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      Contact The Fetal Medicine Foundation in London, a charitable organization that certifies and sets international standards for all obstetricians, midwives and ultrasonographers who practice fetal medicine and perform the nuchal translucency scan. The Fetal Medicine Foundation also provides the software needed to conduct the testing. Email them at [email protected] or visit them at

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      Contact a local perinatologist or specialist in maternal fetal health. Perinatologists have received extensive training in advanced diagnostic ultrasound imaging of the fetus. They are trained to look for abnormalities in the fetus and can conduct the nuchal translucency test in their offices.

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      Ask other expectant moms for recommendations.Visit local online pregnancy forums such as or for tips on finding a qualified ultrasonographer in your area. Also visit your local edition of to find referrals.

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