What Supplies Are in a Doctor's Office?
Examination Supplies
Several supplies help doctors conduct thorough examinations of their patients. Tongue depressors hold the tongue down and give doctors the ability to see the throat clearly. This helps the doctor identify redness and other throat abnormalities. Doctors use cotton swabs to obtain samples of microorganisms from the throat. This allows laboratory technicians to identify the presence of specific bacteria. Doctors cover their examination tables with disposable paper that protects the table from damage and shields patients from the hard table surface. Disposable tips cover the otoscope that doctors use to examine the ears. These tips protect otoscopes from germ contamination and allow doctors to use the same tool on many patients.
Laboratory Supplies
Some medical offices have a laboratory on site, which speeds the processing of blood and urine specimens. These offices have a number of laboratory supplies to allow staff members to collect samples, protect patients and staff from harmful organisms and maintain sterile conditions. Laboratory supplies include test tubes, tourniquets, urine specimen cups, bandages, urinalysis test strips, needles and alcohol pads. Sharps containers provide a safe place for doctors and nurses to dispose of used needles.
Examination Gowns
Patients wear examination gowns during invasive procedures and thorough physical examinations. Some doctors provide paper gowns to their patients, which reduces the expense of laundering the gowns after each use. Some patients find these gowns difficult to use because they rip easily and do not cover a large area of the body. Some doctors provide cloth gowns for their patients, which increases comfort and allows patients to retain their dignity when undressing for an examination. These gowns cost more and require washing after every use, so they represent a significant cost of doing business for doctors.
Sterile Drapes
Doctors use sterile drapes when performing procedures that require the preparation of a sterile area. These procedures include skin biopsies, dermatological procedures, wound cleansing and stitching, and minor surgical procedures. These drapes create a barrier that prevents wound contamination and infection.