Medical Office Telephone Etiquette
Telephone etiquette is valuable to medical offices since the communication you have with customers plays a paramount role in the relationship between your medical office and its customers.
Proper telephone etiquette reflects the image of your medical office and its employees. If you answer the phone and your choice of words are improper or your tone is rude, you're giving your medical office a bad reputation.
To provide patients with the best phone etiquette, answer the phone promptly and with a smile. People can tell when you're smiling when you talk on the phone, since your voice is more cheery, according to It also helps to have a greeting script near the phone so office workers know how to answer the phone properly.
To enhance the quality of your medical office's telephone etiquette, you can record a conversation of those who regularly use the phone. Have the worker listen to the conversation with a patient and let them know how they can improve their telephone etiquette. This is a great method of training for new employees.
With proper phone etiquette, such as speaking clearly, addressing the caller and being patient, you can ensure that customers will keep coming back to your medical office.