What Are the Benefits of MRI Scans?
MRI scans take place inside a large magnet.
MRI scans can be used to diagnose tumors, strokes and torn ligaments. Many MRIs are done on the head to determine the cause of headaches, nervous system problems or developmental disorders of the brain.
An MRI scan combines magnetic fields and radio frequencies to generate an image of the inside of your body. While the scan is being performed you cannot move.
Time Frame
An MRI can take between 45 and 90 minutes to complete. Depending on what is being scanned, you might not be allowed to eat for half a day before the scan.
MRI scans are better than X-rays at showing soft tissue, showing inflammation, detailing blood vessels and creating cross-sectional pictures. In addition, the patient is not subjected to any radiation.
If you have any metal inside your body, you must alert your doctor before undergoing an MRI because they could be adversely affected by the magnets in the MRI machine. You should also alert your doctor to any allergies you make have in case you are allergic to an ingredient in the dyes.