About AAMI Certification
The AAMI offers three types of certification. Biomedical equipment technicians can receive a CBET. Radiology and laboratory equipment specialists can receive a CRES and CLES respectively. These certifications have oversight from the Board of Biomedical Equipment Technicians.
In order to sit for the certification, an associate's degree or a bachelor's degree in the field of biomedical equipment is required. Four years of work experience will also suffice if an applicant does not have a degree. Work experience and degree must be specialized in the field of study for the respective certification. Candidate status is available for applicants who haven't fulfilled work or educational requirements, but plan on doing so within the next five years.
Time Frame
Once certification is received, it is good for the remainder of the year in which it is received. The certification is also good for one additional year. If, for example, certification is acquired on April 5, 2008, the certification is good until December 31, 2009. After the initial certification expires, renewal is available and is good for the next three years. The exam is given three times each year. The dates are tentative, but usually occur in May, June and November of each year. Deadlines for application are a month prior to actual test dates.
The test is available in 27 states in America. Special consideration is given to anyone who lives outside of a 250 mile radius of the city. The test that occurs in June is only administered in Baltimore, Maryland. Military applicants serving around the world are also given special consideration for taking the test. Applicants should submit all special considerations at the AAMI website.
Certification with specialized equipment offers several benefits. Applicants will broaden job availability with this certification. They will also have pride in knowing they are part of an elite group of certified specialists. The average pay for biomedical technicians start at $20 per hour. AAMI certified techs can expect to make $29 per hour. Certification with AAMI gains the applicant access to AAMI's job board. In many cases, employees are willing to pay for and maintain AAMI certification.