About X-Rays
In 1895, a German physicist named Wilhelm Roentgen discovered x rays.
History of
Most people are unaware of the exact nature of x rays, which are a form of electromagnetic waves that can penetrate matter. Roentgen took a film of his wife's hand using x rays to reveal the bones in her hand and the ring on her finger. This was the first x ray ever taken. Wilhelm called the discovery of these new rays "x" rays, meaning unknown. The discovery brought Wilhelm the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1901.
Shortly after the discovery of x rays, other scientists began to experiment and x rays were soon being used in the medical field. Not only have x rays been used in the detection of broken bones, tumors, swallowed objects and more, they have also been used in a therapeutic capacity, such as in the treatment of cancer. In fact, radiography is the main form of treatment utilized to combat cancer. Eventually, x rays moved into other fields such as dentistry.
Today we tend to take technology such as x rays for granted. A physician's order of an x ray would be considered rather routine. Physicians use x rays to detect the presence of pneumonia or lung cancer, which may be observed through a chest x ray film. Computed Tomography, also known as a CT or Cat Scan, uses x rays to make images of the body that allow a better view and enable detection of such disorders or conditions even easier. A CAT scan uses a computer to allow a precision view inside the body.
Risk Factors
When scientists began to experiment with x rays shortly after their discovery, many of them received significant burns to the skin and others noticed burning and pain in the eyes. Even today, people are often proteced by a lead shield when x ray technology is used.
The Facts
X rays don't just exist within the confines of the medical field. The sun emits x rays, as well as certain types of stars and even black holes. X rays are one of the universe's mysteries that have been harnessed for the benefit of humankind. Their use has come a long way since Roentgen's amazing discovery.