Do I Need Medicare if I Have Federal Employee Benefits?
Free Hospital Insurance
The original Medicare program has two parts: Part A Hospital Insurance principally covers inpatient hospital services. Part B Medical Insurance covers doctor's fees and other outpatient services. Part A has no premium for workers who paid into Medicare at least 10 years. Federal employees, whether or not retired, should always apply for Medicare Part A three months before becoming 65.
Part B Coverage
FEHB is the primary payer for active federal employees. Current federal employees generally do not enroll in Part B since it has a premium but will not pay for charges covered by FEHB. Employees whose FEHB plan is a health maintenance organization should check if their HMO offers incentives to federal members enrolled in Medicare Parts A and B.
Retired Employee Decision
Medicare is the primary payer for retired federal employees. Employees can enroll in Part B if the overall coverage will save them money because FEHB picks up the cost of Part B deductibles, co-insurances and co-payments and provides additional coverage such as prescriptions. Employees can decline Part B if it is more advantageous to keep the current FEHB coverage and avoid the Part B premium, which can be as high as $353.60.