How do I Buy a Medicare Supplement (Medigap) Insurance Policy in Florida?

Medicare is government issued insurance coverage for people ages 65 or older, people under the age of 65 with certain disabilities or people with end stage renal disease. A Medicare supplement policy or Medigap policy is insurance coverage purchased through a private company to cover the cost of medical treatment that is not covered by Medicare. In order to qualify for Medigap coverage, you must have Medicare part A & B. Medicare part A covers care received during a hospital stay, rehabilitation care or long term nursing care. Medicare part B covers outpatient treatment, doctors services and some preventive treatments.


    • 1

      Confirm that you have Medicare part A & B. Review your Medicare card for the effective dates for your Medicare part A & B.

    • 2

      Locate licensed insurers in your area that sell Medigap policies. A list of insurers is available through the Florida Insurance Department at 877-693-5236 or the website. Coverage availability is determined by the area in which you reside.

    • 3

      Compare the costs of Medigap policies. Each insurer is allowed to charge different rates for their policies.

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      Determine which policy provides the coverage you need.

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      Review the policy to confirm it reads Medicare supplement insurance. Federal and state laws require this information to be stated on the policy. Insurers are only allowed to sell you a standardized Medigap policy, identified by letters A through L.

    • 6

      Purchase the policy and enroll during the company's open enrollment period. Open enrollment lasts 6 months and starts the first day of the month that you are 65 or older and enrolled in part B.

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