How do I Move Health Coverage From Alberta to BC?
Prepare the required documents that prove your Canadian citizenship or immigration status. If you are a Canadian citizen, you will need to provide photocopies of a Canadian birth certificate, citizenship card, passport and any documentation from a Canadian Vital Statistics department that verifies your citizenship. If you are a permanent resident, provide copies of your record of landing, permanent resident card and confirmation of permanent residence. Temporary Citizenship and Immigration Canada document holders need to show copies of temporary resident permit, work permit and study permit.
Download the Medical Services Plan (MSP) form from the Ministry of Health website and complete it (see Resources). You will need to provide your personal details, such as name, citizenship or immigration information and family information.
Mail the form to:
Health Insurance BC
Medical Services Plan
PO Box 9678
Stn Prov Govt
Victoria BC V8W 9P7
Register for PharmaCare to get prescription drug reimbursements after getting your CareCard. You can register online through Health Insurance BC website, by phone or by mail (see Resources). For phone registrations, call Health Insurance BC at 604-683-7151 from Vancouver or 800-663-7100 from other locations. For mail registration, download the Fair PharmaCare Plan registration form from the Health Insurance BC website, complete it and send it to:
Health Insurance BC
Fair PharmaCare
PO Box 9684
Stn Prov Govt
Victoria BC V8W 9P7
You will need to provide personal information such as your name, address, family details and net income.