How Is Medicare Advantage Funded?
Medicare Trust Funds
Medicare has two trust funds, the Medicare Part A Hospital Insurance (HI) fund and the Supplementary Medical Insurance (SMI) fund, which contains two accounts, also--the Medicare Part B Medical Insurance account and the Part D Prescription Drug Plan account. Medicare Advantage plans provide the services of Medicare Parts A and B and receive funding from the HI and Part B account of the SMI funds.
HI Trust Funding
The Hospital Insurance fund receives 86 percent of its income from the 1.45 percent tax that employees and employers pay from wages, plus the 2.9 percent paid by the self-employed. Income taxes paid on Social Security benefits supplies 5 percent. Interest on the fund's assets--$321.8 billion as of 2008--supplies 7 percent. A small amount comes from premiums and general revenues.
Part B Funding
The Part B account in the SMI fund receives 25 percent of revenues from Part B premiums. Transfers from general revenues cover about 73 percent and a small percentage comes from interest on account assets of $59.4 billion, as of 2008.
Funding for Advantage
In 2008, the Hospital Insurance fund provided $50.6 billion and the Part B account of the Supplementary Insurance fund provided $47.6 billion to fund Advantage plans.