How to Qualify for Extra Help for Medicare Part D in Illinois
Meet the income requirements. In 2010, the income limits were $1,354 for singles and $1,822 for married people. Apply even if you are above the income limits because some income may not have to be counted, including parts of any earned income you make each month.
Meet the asset requirements. Assets are things such as cars, property and bank accounts. As of 2010, you can qualify for Extra Help if you have less than $12,510 in assets if you are single or $25,010 in assets if you are married. If you think you have more than this in assets, again: apply anyway because some things, including the house you live in, are not counted.
Apply for Illinois Medicaid. If your income and assets are much lower than the numbers listed above, then you may qualify for Medicaid, which will give you many additional Medicare benefits, pay for many of your Medicare costs and will automatically qualify you for Extra Help. To qualify for Medicaid in 2010, your monthly income must have been below $903 if you are single and $1,214 if you are married. You can apply at your local Illinois Department of Human Services (DHS) office. A staff member will help you apply. You can find out where your local DHS office is by calling 800-843-6154.
Apply for a Medicare Savings Program. If your income is too high for Medicaid but still lower than the Extra Help numbers, then you can apply for Illinois' Medicare Savings Programs. These programs will help you with additional Medicare costs. Those who qualify for Medicare Savings Programs are automatically enrolled into Extra Help. In 2010, if your monthly income is between $903 and $1,218 if you are single and $1,214 and $1,639 if you are married, then apply by calling the Illinois DHS at 800-843-6154 and requesting an application. If you need help applying, visit your local Department of Human Services Family Community Resource Center and a caseworker can assist you.
Call your Senior Health Insurance Program to see if there are additional ways to qualify. Illinois offers a program called the Senior Health Insurance Program (SHIP), which offers counseling and advice about Medicare. The Illinois SHIP will have the latest information about eligibility and about what income and assets are not counted. They may even be able to help you apply for Extra Help. The Illinois SHIP can be contacted at 800-548-9034.
Apply directly to Extra Help. If you do not qualify for Medicaid or a Medicare Savings Program or you do not wish to apply to these programs, apply for Extra Help even if you are somewhat over the income and asset guidelines because some of your income and assets may not be counted. You can apply on the Social Security Administration's website or you can request an application by calling Social Security at 800-772-1213.