How Do I Check My Medicare Records?
Things You'll Need
- Medicare card
Go to and click on "Create an Account."
Enter the information requested on the "Registration" screen. This includes filling in your Medicare number, last name, date of birth, gender and ZIP code. Then you must select a secret question and supply an answer. If you opt to provide an e-mail address, you get an e-mail that allows immediate access to Otherwise, you have to wait until you receive a letter from Medicare before you can access your records. Identify yourself as the Medicare beneficiary and check two boxes to indicate you have supplied true information and agree to the conditions of the website. Click on "Continue."
Verify your address as shown on the Address Verification. If this is your correct address, click "Continue." If it is not, click on "Cancel." This will end the registration process and no password letter will be sent to that address.
Create a sign-in identity (ID) to use to sign in at Follow the sign-in dos and don’t's to create an acceptable ID. Click on "Continue." If what you choose is already in use or is not acceptable, you need to create a different ID and resubmit it. When your ID is accepted, you will get a confirmation of your registration. Print the confirmation page and end your session by clicking on "End Session."
Go to and use the ID you created and the temporary password on the e-mail you received to sign in. Create your own password. Once this is done, you are able to check your Medicare records.