Medicare HMO Policies
Medicare Advantage plans are available as HMO policies. HMO stands for health maintenance organization and it is a type of managed care plan.
HMO beneficiaries are limited to a network. They must see doctors and specialists within their network, and they must select a primary care physician.
Medicare HMO policies must cover the basic Medicare benefits. HMO plans will typically offer additional coverage such as dental, vision and preventive benefits.
HMO plans will require the beneficiary to pay a monthly premium. Most of the time, this is either equal to or more than the monthly traditional Part B premium. Some HMO policies pay part of the premium for the beneficiary.
End-Stage Renal Disease
Those who are Medicare-eligible due to ESRD are not eligible to join most Medicare HMO policies. There are a few special needs plans HMO policies that are made specifically for those who have ESRD.