About Medicare Death Benefits
The payment is made to the surviving spouse or eligible children. Under certain circumstances, if you are divorced from the deceased you may be eligible for the death benefit.
When you apply, you will need to provide your name and Social Security number, living arrangements for you and the deceased and information about the deceased's income. You also must provide the deceased's name, gender, date of birth, SSN and information on any unmarried children and current and previous spouses.
You will be required to show documents proving you are eligible for benefits. You will need an original birth certificate or proof of birth, naturalization papers, military discharge papers and a photocopy of your most recent tax returns.
If all the requirements are met, you will be eligible for a one-time payment of $255 to help with funeral expenses.
Providing a banking account number will allow you to receive the payment by direct deposit. A check can be sent by mail if necessary.