How to Apply for Medicare in Illinois
Make sure you are in a designated enrollment period. These are the only times of the year that Medicare has approved enrollees for making changes to their health care, including signing up for the first time. The first enrollment period is a period of seven months that surrounds the first month you are eligible. You can also sign up during the open enrollment period, which lasts from January 1 to March 31 each year. Lastly, you can sign up during the annual coordinated election period, which is from November 15 to December 31 each year. In some circumstances, you may qualify for a special enrollment period, which is a Social Security Administration-approved instance where you can make a change to your Medicare outside of an enrollment period.
Review the different Medicare options, and determine which will best meet your health care needs. You will want to think about how you will want to receive your Medicare benefits. You can receive them either through original Medicare, or you can decide to get your benefits through a Medicare private health plan, also known as a Medicare Advantage plan. You also want to consider whether you want to take the optional parts of Medicare, Part B (outpatient insurance) and Part D (prescription drug coverage). Finally, if you do decide you want original Medicare, consider whether you will need any supplemental insurance such as a Medigap plan. A Medigap plan is insurance that fills in some of the leftover costs from original Medicare and offers additional benefits. If you're having a difficult time understanding or navigating the many options available to you, you should contact the Illinois Senior Health Insurance Assistance Program (Illinois SHIP). The Illinois SHIP offers counseling and assistance provided by professionals and volunteers.
Sign up. Those who are enrolled in Social Security Disability Insurance or Social Security retirement may not need to do this step, as they are typically automatically enrolled in Part A and Part B. If you are not automatically enrolled, then you can enroll yourself by visiting your local Social Security office. If you have decided on a private plan, you will need to contact the plan to enroll.
Apply for programs that may help cut some of your Medicare costs. The federal program, Extra Help, can reduce Part D costs. Illinois has a few state-specific programs, including Medicare Savings Programs and a state pharmaceutical assistance program called Illinois Cares Rx.