Basic Principles of Medicare Qualifications
Prior employment
Money secured from the nation's employed helps fund the Medicare program. Therefore, to qualify for Medicare, a person or the person's spouse must have been employed and had payments deducted from a paycheck into the Medicare program for at least 10 years.
U.S. citizenship
Medicare is a federal program and the nation's largest health insurance program. Only individuals who are permanent residents or United States citizens can apply for the Medicare program. However, non-Americans who earned U.S. citizenship at least five years prior to applying for Medicare are also eligible for benefits.
Senior citizens
Any person is eligible for Medicare if he is 65 years old or older. Medicare benefits do not begin until a person is 65, unless a person can prove disability.
People who are not yet 65 can still qualify for Medicare if they can prove a disability that prevents them from working or if they have end-stage renal disease, also known as permanent kidney failure requiring dialysis or a transplant. While all types of disabilities qualified are not clearly stated on the Medicare website, individuals receiving Social Security disability (SSD) payments typically qualify for Medicare.