How to Apply for Medicare in New York
Determine why you are eligible for Medicare. This is an important step because the reason you are eligible may determine how you sign up for Medicare or whether you need to sign up at all. Those who are eligible due to disability or those who receive Social Security retirement benefits, for example, are automatically enrolled.
Be sure that you are in an enrollment period. You cannot sign up for Medicare whenever you want. You must be in a designated enrollment period in order to sign up. These enrollment periods include your initial enrollment period which occurs when you first become eligible. It is the seve-month period surrounding your eligibility month (the three months before, the month of, and the three months following). You may also sign up during the annual coordinated election period (November 15 to December 31 annually) and during the open enrollment period (January 1 to March 31 each year).
Assess what health care you need and then review your Medicare options. There are several factors to consider, including whether you receive your benefits through traditional Medicare or a Medicare Advantage plan (a private health plan), whether or not you should take Part B (the medical insurance), whether you need Part D prescription drug coverage, and finally, whether you should purchase any Medicare supplemental coverage such as a Medigap, which is insurance coverage that helps pay for some of the costs leftover from traditional Medicare.
Those who are having trouble selecting a plan or understanding the many Medicare options can contact the New York State Health Insurance Assistance Program for help, which is called the Health Insurance Information Counseling and Assistance Program (see the Resources section for more information).
Enroll. Again, depending on your eligibility status, this may not be necessary if you've decided to stick with traditional Medicare because those on Social Security Disability Insurance and Social Security retirement are automatically enrolled in Part A and Part B. Otherwise, you may enroll at your local Social Security office.
Those enrolling in Medicare Advantage plans, Medicare Part D plans or Medigap plans should contact the plans directly in order to enroll.
Research any programs that you may qualify for that will help reduce some of your out of pocket costs. New York State has many programs that help with Medicare-related costs, including Medicare Savings Programs and a State Pharmaceutical Assistance Program (known as the Elderly Pharmaceutical Insurance Coverage).