List of Medicare Part D Plans
AARP MedicareRx Saver
UnitedHealthcare offers the AARP MedicareRx Saver plan. This plan offers a median-priced premium at $36.40 and a deductible at $310. The beneficiary can expect to pay anywhere from $6 to $93 on prescriptions on this plan, and’s Planfinder rates this plan’s overall customer satisfaction as 3.5 out of 5 stars.
CIGNA Medicare Rx Plans
CIGNA Medicare Rx Plans are available in three tiers. Plan One is a low-premium ($27.30) plan with co-pays; however, there is a deductible to meet ($295). Plan Two has a premium ($45), but no co-payments and no deductible for some generics. For other drugs, there is a low deductible. Plan Three is a high-premium plan ($78.70) with no deductible that covers certain generics throughout the Part D coverage gap.
CVS Caremark Complete
CVS Caremark Complete is a Part D plan offered by the SilverScript Insurance Company. This plan is has a high premium at $76.70, but has no annual deductible. Preferred generic drugs are $2.50, and regular generics are $7.50. Preferred brand-name drugs are $39, and non-preferred brand-name drugs are $98. According to, the average consumer customer service rating is 4 out of 5 stars.
GHI Medicare Prescription Drug Plan
The GHI Medicare Prescription Drug Plan is a low-premium plan at only $19.60 a month, but it comes with a deductible of $295. This plan works as a benchmark plan, meaning those who qualify for the federal low-income subsidy, Extra Help, can have the entire premium paid for by Social Security. This plan does not offer any coverage through the coverage gap.
First Health Part D-Secure
This plan is available with a low monthly premium of $14.50 per month and a $175 annual deductible. When not in the annual coverage gap period, preferred generic drugs are only $4, while preferred brand drugs are $20. All non-preferred drugs, generic and brand, are $50. This plan rated well in timeliness for members who needed to appeal drug coverage decisions (5 out of 5 stars), but rated low on fairness based on drug appeals when escalated to an independent reviewer (2 out of 5 stars).