How to Cancel Medicare Part B
Medicare is the United States' health insurance program for people 65 and older. The purpose is to help with the cost of health care. Broken into different parts, Part B helps to pay for doctors' services, medical equipment and supplies, X-rays and laboratory tests, and outpatient hospital care, among other things that are not covered by hospital insurance.By filling out a form and sitting through an interview, it is possible to cancel Medicare Part B.
Call and schedule an interview with the Social Security office. The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) requires a personal interview whenever possible for those seeking to terminate their services.
Sign a request for termination, using form CMS-1763. This must be done either in person or on the phone. This is to ensure that the persons wishing to terminate Medicare Part B understand the consequences, such as possibly having to pay a surcharge in order to re-enroll at a later date.
Sign the letter a Social Security representative will send you after the interview that outlines the outcome of termination. You retain the right to withdraw your termination request until your coverage ends. Once this form is returned and the Social Security representative places it in your file, you have canceled Medicare Part B. Termination begins the end of the month following the month you filed your termination request.