Qualifications for Medicare in Michigan
Michigan qualifications for Medicare with regards to age align exactly with the federal law, meaning you must be 65 or older before you are eligible to enroll in or receive benefits from Medicare. Eligibility is determined by the Michigan Department of Human Services (MDHS) and benefits are managed by Michigan Department of Community Health (MDCH).
All of Michigan's health-care programs require an income test and some require an asset test. These tests are used to determine how much of the coverage you can afford to pay on your own in deductibles. During these tests, you must disclose any sources of income, through work, investments or inheritance that you currently have or will have.
Social Security
Just like in other states, in Michigan a person applying for Medicare must collect Social Security or have a spouse with Medicare-covered government employment.
This qualification is very important and much more variable and case-specific than the other categories. For instance, a person under 65 who has End-State Renal Disease can qualify for certain Medicare-covered benefits. A person who requires long-term care is eligible for even more benefits than a more able-bodied individual.